Scripture References for Divine Direction: Psalms 23; 32:8; Isaiah 48:17; Deut. 32:10-14; Psa. 107:7; Isaiah 49:10-11; John 6:1-6
God is always willing to lead.
What is Divine Direction?
It is God’s roadmap for an individual or an organization. It is the ways of God revealed to men.
Psalms 103:7 – He made known his ways to Moses, his acts to the children of Israel.
Proverbs 16:25 – There is a way that seems right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Psa. 16:11 – You will show me the path of life: in your presence is fullness of joy; at your right hand there are pleasures for ever more.
Divine direction is heaven’s compass and counsel – His leading and guidance; and He leads in several ways:
- Through His Word. Psa. 43:3; 119:105
- Through Instructions. Psa. 32:8-9
- Through a Prophetic Guardian. Hebrews 1:1
- Through Spirit Voice – the inner small, yet audible voice. Psa. 78:14; Romans 8:14
- Through Wise Counsel. Proverbs 11:14.
- Through Dreams & Visions – open and close vision. Joel 2:28
- Through Prophecy.
- Through Christian Literature. Daniel 9:2
- Through Godly Witnesses.
Requirements for Divine Direction
You must be a son. Rom. 8: 14
You must have a meek and teachable spirit. This is why the Bible says we must be like children – correctable and not full of pride. Abraham is a perfect example.
No one becomes great without correction.
God speaks only to a correctable person. There’s no arrogance where divine direction must occur. Psa. 25: 9 – He leads the humble in doing right.
In Num. 12: 3, 4, we see how God took Moses through a path and process that made him humble.
If you have the courage, say this prayer, Lord deal with me well so that I can become what You want me to be!
Until you yield yourself for God to break you, you can’t become what He wants you to be.
Vs. 4 says, God spoke to Moses suddenly – when you’re humble, God can speak to you at any time.
You must have a quiet spirit. To hear God, you must practice quietness. To access God, you need a quiet spirit.
You cannot hear a still small voice in the midst of noise.
Prov. 18: 1. Separate yourself from noise, then God can minister to you.
You must fellowship with the Spirit. It helps you come into the realm of divine direction. Do this in fasting and prayers; in word digging (John 5: 39); in worship (Isa. 30: 29, 30).
You must hunger and desire for God’s direction. What you don’t want, you can’t receive.
You can’t read God over and over again, and not hear Him!
Psa. 42:1-3. Deut. 32: 10-14.
God can lead you round, but He can’t lead you wrong.
Reasons People Do Not Enjoy Divine Direction
- Disobedience. I Sam. 15: 22, 23. Don’t be stubborn; rebellion places you on the level of a witch.
- Doubt. When you begin to doubt what God is telling you, He stops talking to you. Walking with God is a thing of faith. A double-minded man cannot receive from God. James 1:6-8.
- Worry and Anxiety. The moment you’re worrying and are anxious, you’ve come out of faith.
- Lack of Time. Busyness pushes the voice of God away. Create time for God. When you stay with God for long – you begin to look like Him. That is the blessing of intimacy!
To be deficient of His presence is to be bankrupt of His voice!
- Pride. Pride is an iniquity that must not be found in you if you want to hear and see God. This one character was what brought Lucifer down.
How to Test Direction
- Word Test. Jeremiah 23:28-29
- Peace Test. Psalms 85:8; 2 Timothy 3:16
- Patience Test. To enjoy divine direction, you must exercise covenant patience. Hebrews 10:36; 6:12
- Submission Test. People that want to do their own will cannot submit to the will of God. 1 Corinthians 14:29
Ambition is different from God’s vision!
- Progress Test. When God is in it, there will be progress. Proverbs 4:18
- Provision Test. God will not lead you where He won’t provide for you. If He’s Shepherd-ing you, provision is sure. Psalms 23:1
I pray for you today, in 2020, you will not see shame!
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Read a sermon on Vision & Goal-Setting
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