Happiness is for everyone but joy is for the mature!
In this month of OVERFLOW, you must choose to be joyful even when nothing is happening. Joy resides within the joyful. Joy is an outflow of a radiation and beauty within your spirit.
Don’t allow your emotion steal your joy. What people say to you must not steal your joy. Your current situation should not steal your joy.
It is joy that makes you sing in the midst of disappointment.
Power of Joy
1. It brings healing virtue to your body. A joyful man is an healthy man. Psa. 51: 8. When you are gloomy and sad, you are inviting all sort of illnesses including depression. Prov. 17:22. A broken a spirit dries up the bones but joyfulness fills you robustly with light and keeps you going. Prov. 15:15. Joyfulness helps you see blessings in everything. Your sadness make many things look bad.
2. It guarantees divine leading. Everyone that desires to be led by God must be joyful. You cannot hear from God if you are sad. Isa. 55: 12-13. Sadness deafens your spiritual sensitivity. Isa. 30: 29 – singing is a product of a joyful heart.
When your heart is excited, that is when God can talk to you.
How To Build Your Joy
1. Meekness. You have to be humble and teachable. God does not lead a man who is full of himself. Isa. 29: 18, 19
2. Mediation on the Word. Jer. 15: 16.
Read sermon on Favour Overflow here.